Home > About > ICTP Compendium > APPENDIX F: Catalogue of ICTP Learning & Application Resources
APPENDIX F: Catalogue of ICTP Learning & Application Resources
Learning and application resources in implementation science refer to materials, tools, and information designed to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and skills related to the implementation of evidence-based practices. These resources are used to educate individuals, teams, and organizations involved in implementing interventions, programs, or policies in real-world settings. The goal is to enhance the capacity of practitioners, researchers, and other stakeholders to successfully apply evidence-based strategies and promote the effective adoption of innovations. Learning and application resources play a crucial role in building the capacity of individuals and organizations to navigate the complexities of implementation. They enable practitioners to understand the principles of implementation science, apply evidence-based strategies, and overcome challenges in real-world settings.
Resource Catalogue
Module 2 Report: Recruiting and Selecting Initial Coalition MembersResource for Module 2, where participants gain hands-on experience identifying ready agencies, evaluators, funders, and community members for their Community Coalition.
Module 1 Report: Community Readiness for Scaling-up Triple P
Resource for Module 1, where participants learn strategies to successfully recruit co-creation partners for a successful, sustainable implementation of Triple P scale-up.
Triple P Community Engagement Guide
To provide community engagement best practices and a discussion guide for Lead Implementing Agencies (LIAs) who plan to engage and/or gather input from their community partners
Team Functions, Considerations & Core Competencies
This document describes the functions and core competencies of Leadership and Implementation Teams.
Module 9: Putting in Place Community-wide Triple P Fidelity Assessment Practices
This learning module simulates the development of a community-wide Triple P fidelity assessment plan for a fictional community, “Grand County.”
Module 5: Administering and Utilizing the Implementation Drivers Assessment for Agencies Implementing Triple P Interventions (IDA-TP)
This module instructs learners to assess the capacities of coalition service agencies to implement Triple P fully and effectively by demonstrating knowledge of the theory behind the IDA-TP, utilizing the IDA-TP protocol for reliable administration, scoring the IDA-TP following administration, and utilizing IDA-TP results for action planning.
Module 4: Managing Coalition Implementation Team Tasks and Establishing a Coalition Leadership Team:
In this module, participants learn how to manage and assign tasks to the coalition implementation team and develop a strong coalition leadership team to ensure community-wide ownership and decision-making for parenting support across communities.
Module 3: Building a Coalition Implementation Team
In this module, participants learn to develop a coalition implementation team, manage the day to day operations of a coalition, and effectively gain leadership involvement.
Module 2: Community Readiness for Scaling-up Triple P, Part 2
In this module, participants gain hands-on experience identifying ready agencies, evaluators, funders, and community members for their Community Coalition.
Module 1: Community Readiness for Scaling-up Triple P, Part 1
In this module, participants learn strategies to successfully recruit co-creation partners for a successful, sustainable implementation of Triple P scale-up.
Microlesson 2: Using Triple P Fidelity Data to Improve Your Community Triple P Implementation Infrastructure –
This microlesson simulates the use of Triple P fidelity data from a fictional community, “Grand County,” to improve that community’s Triple P implementation infrastructure and practices.
Microlesson 1: Triple P Quality and Fidelity Monitoring Resources and Strategies –
This microlesson takes the learner through several Triple P fidelity assessment resources and related strategies.
Data Mapping Worksheet: Training
Building a decision-support data system can feel like a lot of work.
Data Mapping Worksheet: State Reporting Case Study
Building a decision-support data system can feel like a lot of work.
Data Mapping Worksheet: Pine County DSDS Case Study
Building a decision-support data system can feel like a lot of work.
Data Mapping Worksheet: Grand County DSDS Case Study
Building a decision-support data system can feel like a lot of work.
Community-wide Triple P Fidelity Assessment Plan
This worksheet describes why Triple P fidelity is important and how to collect fidelity data to answer a key question that will drive improvement of the local Triple P program and implementation processes.
Communication Basics
This interactive tool explores the fundamentals of how community conversations influence and are influenced by context factors in the community.
Communication Basics Handout
This tool is used for teaching the basics of communication.
Building an Implementation Team Worksheet
This worksheet walks through how to build an implementation team by identifying team members, distributing tasks, and ensuring competencies.
Building a Decision Support Data System
Building a decision-support data system can feel like a lot of work.
Data Mapping Worksheet: Triple P Service Delivery
Building a decision-support data system can feel like a lot of work.
Data Mapping Worksheet: Short Term Outcomes
Building a decision-support data system can feel like a lot of work.
Data Mapping Worksheet: Recruitment and Selection
Building a decision-support data system can feel like a lot of work.
Data Mapping Worksheet: Long-Term Outcomes
Building a decision-support data system can feel like a lot of work.
Data Mapping Worksheet: Fidelity
Building a decision-support data system can feel like a lot of work.
Data Mapping Worksheet: Coaching
Building a decision-support data system can feel like a lot of work.
Data Mapping Worksheet: Appendix
Building a decision-support data system can feel like a lot of work.
Module 8: Building a Community Coaching System:
This module leads the learner through applying coaching best practices across Triple P practitioners in your community coalition by developing a community Triple P coaching system.
Module 7: Community Coaching System – Coaching Best Practices for Triple P Practitioners:
This online learning module supports learners in identifying implementation best practices for coaching.
Module 6: Implementing a Decision Support Data System
This module covers the basics of building a decision-support data system (DSDS).
Goal Setting Worksheet
A media and networking worksheet that lays out the framework for creating and writing SMART goals, identifying networks, and strategic planning.
Intermediary and Implementation Support Reference Sheet
This resource provides an overview of intermediary capacity and each implementation capacity domain (CCP, LIT, WFD, MN, QOMS).
Workforce Development Reference Sheet
This resource provides an overview of intermediary capacity and each implementation capacity domain (CCP, LIT, WFD, MN, QOMS).
Quality and Outcome Monitoring Systems Reference Sheet
This resource provides an overview of intermediary capacity and each implementation capacity domain (CCP, LIT, WFD, MN, QOMS).
Media and Networking Systems Reference Sheet
This resource provides an overview of intermediary capacity and each implementation capacity domain (CCP, LIT, WFD, MN, QOMS).
Leadership and Teams Reference Sheet
This resource provides an overview of intermediary capacity and each implementation capacity domain (CCP, LIT, WFD, MN, QOMS).
Documenting Implementation Team Structures Worksheet
This worksheet can be used to help develop a local document detailing organizational elements such as the implementation team’s purpose, goals, roles and responsibilities, authority, communications, and membership, among other elements of local interest and importance.
Documentation for Implementation and Beyond
This tool provides an overview of why documenting practices, policies, etc. is best practice in implementation.