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Media and Networking (M&N)

We use best practices to raise community-wide awareness of the benefits of parenting support and encourage caregivers to seek support. Identifying and tapping into parent support networks help accelerate dissemination activities and improve the reach of Triple P.


What is Media & Networking ? Explore these resources to learn more.

Communication Assessment Example
A spreadsheet that contains example communication assessment data for fictional Grand County to inform their communication plan. This tool helps demonstrate how data can inform communication and outreach strategies.

Communication Basics
This interactive tool explores the fundamentals of how community conversations influence and are influenced by context factors in the community.

Creating a Communication Plan
An overview of the suggested process for developing and monitoring a regional Triple P communication campaign (handout).

In it Together: Community Organizations can Contribute to and Benefit from Parenting Support
This short animated video describes how parenting support can contribute to positive family and community outcomes (Length: 2:27).

In it Together: Parenting Support is Important and Relevant
This short animated video describes why parenting support is necessary for families and communities (Length: 1:49)


Find the Media and Networking tools you need to successfully implement Triple P.


What do we need to know before we start? How are we doing?

Identifying Parent Support Networks in your Community Toolkit v1
Toolkit that provides background information and tools to conduct a parent support assessment.

Implementation Capacity for Triple P