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Leadership and Implementation Teams (LIT)

The Leadership Team is a group of representatives in leadership positions from partner organizations. They provide feedback to support and guide Triple P activities, and can change policies and practices to support community‐wide implementation of Triple P.
The Community Implementation Team is typically a 3-person group that focuses on the day-to-day tasks associated with regionally implementing Triple P. Common positions are coordinator, data specialist, and outreach specialist.
The community implementation team works closely with the leadership team to plan, monitor, and adjust implementation strategies.
What is Leadership and Implementation Teams? Explore these resources to learn more.
Co-Creation Partners and Processes Reference sheet
Communication Assessment Example
A spreadsheet that contains example communication assessment data for fictional Grand County to inform their communication plan. This tool helps demonstrate how data can inform communication and outreach strategies.
Communication Basics
This interactive tool explores the fundamentals of how community conversations influence and are influenced by context factors in the community.
Communication Basics Handout
This tool is used for teaching the basics of communication.
Creating a Communication Plan
An overview of the suggested process for developing and monitoring a regional Triple P communication campaign (handout).
Communication Assessment Example
A spreadsheet that contains example communication assessment data for fictional Grand County to inform their communication plan. This tool helps demonstrate how data can inform communication and outreach strategies.
Communication Basics
This interactive tool explores the fundamentals of how community conversations influence and are influenced by context factors in the community.
Communication Basics Handout
This tool is used for teaching the basics of communication.
Creating a Communication Plan
An overview of the suggested process for developing and monitoring a regional Triple P communication campaign (handout).
Find the tools you need to work with partners to successfully implement Triple P
Building an Implementation Team Worksheet
This worksheet walks through how to build an implementation team by identifying team members, distributing tasks, and ensuring competencies.
Documenting Implementation Team Structures Worksheet
This worksheet can be used to help develop a local document detailing organizational elements such as the implementation team’s purpose, goals, roles and responsibilities, authority, communications, and membership, among other elements of local interest and importance.
This worksheet walks through how to build an implementation team by identifying team members, distributing tasks, and ensuring competencies.
Documenting Implementation Team Structures Worksheet
This worksheet can be used to help develop a local document detailing organizational elements such as the implementation team’s purpose, goals, roles and responsibilities, authority, communications, and membership, among other elements of local interest and importance.
What do we need to know before we start? How are we doing?
Acceptability of Intervention
This resource provides an assessment of organizational readiness for implementing change.
Agency Triple P Implementation Climate Scale
This measure assesses the organizational climate for the implementation of innovations, as it is significantly associated with management support for implementing the innovation.
Assessing Agency Fit and Feasibility
This brief self-rating scale can be used to assess the current status of implementing Triple P within an agency.
Community Implementation Capacity Exploration Tool
This Exploration Tool is designed to support a semi-structured, facilitated discussion with a team of individuals involved in the local Triple P coalition’s leadership and implementation activities.
Community Readiness Scale
Chilenski, Greenberg, & Feinberg’s (2007) Community Readiness Scale offers an assessment of community readiness to implement large‐scale community change projects that involve several community partners.
This resource provides an assessment of organizational readiness for implementing change.
Agency Triple P Implementation Climate Scale
This measure assesses the organizational climate for the implementation of innovations, as it is significantly associated with management support for implementing the innovation.
Assessing Agency Fit and Feasibility
This brief self-rating scale can be used to assess the current status of implementing Triple P within an agency.
Community Implementation Capacity Exploration Tool
This Exploration Tool is designed to support a semi-structured, facilitated discussion with a team of individuals involved in the local Triple P coalition’s leadership and implementation activities.
Community Readiness Scale
Chilenski, Greenberg, & Feinberg’s (2007) Community Readiness Scale offers an assessment of community readiness to implement large‐scale community change projects that involve several community partners.