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Developing Confident and Competent Triple P Practitioners

Bringing on Triple P practitioners to work with caregivers and families in your community requires first having your implementation team and leadership team in place. Your leadership team can help make connections with key organizations. The implementation team has a central role in ensuring that training and coaching is easily available to practitioners. Having your data system developed ensures that you are ready to monitor important outcomes, such as fidelity. Finally, co-creation is important as it helps create partnerships and processes to identify providers and support the program over time.

Key Capacities

Workforce Development (WFD)

Develop competent and confident Triple P practitioners who can deliver Triple P with fidelity in a culturally and socially responsive way.

Leadership and Implementation Teams (LIT)

Develop and maintain relationships with organizational leaders who can support community-wide implementation of Triple P

Additional Capacity

Quality Outcome and Monitoring Systems (QOMS)

Get and use Triple P data for learning and continuous quality improvement.

Implementation Capacity for Triple P