HomeImprove Lab >  Fidelity 


Our community is making sure Triple P is successfully being implemented as intended. This can include:

  • Adherence – are practitioners following the program guide?
  • Quality – are they delivering Triple P using best practices?
  • Caregiver engagement is the extent to which participants are engaged by and involved in the activities and content of the program.
  • Caregiver engagement – Are caregivers attending and participating in sessions?
  • Dosage – How long and how often are sessions? Are caregivers receiving the minimum program amount to see benefits?

Key Capacities

Workforce Development (WFD)

Develop competent and confident Triple P practitioners who can deliver Triple P with fidelity in a culturally and socially responsive way.

Quality Outcome and Monitoring Systems (QOMS)

Get and use Triple P data for learning and continuous quality improvement.

Additional Capacities

Leadership and Implementation Teams (LIT)

Develop and maintain relationships with organizational leaders who can support community-wide implementation of Triple P

Co-Creation Partners (CCP)

Work alongside partners to implement Triple P.

Media and Networking (M&N)

Support community-wide positive attitudes and behaviors toward positive parenting.

Implementation Capacity for Triple P