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Co-Creation Partners (CCP)

Co-creation brings together partners invested in the success of Triple P.

Co-creation partners typically include:

  • leadership and staff from implementing service agencies
  • local funders and policymakers
  • organizations that help support implementation
  • organizations that developed the program
  • community partners
  • caregivers
  • researchers and evaluators

Together, co‐creation partners combine valuable perspectives, resources, and abilities that help develop, maintain, and sustain Triple P program infrastructure.


What is Co-Creation? Explore these resources to learn more.

Co-Creation Partners and Processes Reference sheet

Implementation Science at Work Podcast Series Episode 1: Community Engagement in Implementation Practice
We explore implementation at the community level, answering questions like what do successful community partnerships look like?

Implementation Science at Work Podcast Series Episode 3: From Hierarchy to Co-creation in the California Foster Care System
We explore how organizations and systems can progress from hierarchical decision making structures to co-creation that drive program and population outcomes.

Implementation Science at Work Podcast Series Episode 4: Policy Implementation: Creating Supportive Infrastructure and Systems
We discuss the role of implementation in supporting systems to successfully translate policy for the public’s benefit.

Implementation Science at Work Podcast Series Episode 5: Planning for Sustainability
In this episode, we hear about one of the biggest challenges in implementation science: sustainability.


Find the tools you need to work with partners to develop the processes and resources you need to successfully implement Triple P

Building an Implementation Team Worksheet
This worksheet walks through how to build an implementation team by identifying team members, distributing tasks, and ensuring competencies.

Facilitator Toolkit (Office of Quality Improvement, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
An 86-page facilitator toolkit in PDF form that focuses on 10 key topics, with templates and examples. Topics: role of the facilitator, group dynamics, ideation and consensus, effective meetings, managing a project, stakeholder input tools, data collection and analysis tools, flowcharting, decision-making tools, and measuring impact.


What do we need to know before we start? How are we doing?

Community Triple P Buy-In Scale
The primary purpose of this survey is to support your local county and/or agency to monitor and improve Triple P implementation by increasing the availability of quality outcome monitoring resources for county and/or agency partners.

Identifying Parent Support Networks in your Community Toolkit
Toolkit that provides background information and tools to conduct a parent support assessment.

Implementation Capacity for Triple P