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Gathering, Analyzing, Reporting, and Using Data for Learning and Improvement

Using data to learn from and improve your Triple P implementation and scale-up work is central to effective implementation. After all, how do we know how we’re doing without data? To be effective, you’ll need to have leadership and implementation teams in place as well as a solid understanding of how to collect, manage, and summarize data. Your leadership team and partners that you’ve identified in your co-creation phase will collectively review data and identify ways to improve your current implementation efforts.

Key Capacities

Quality Outcome and Monitoring Systems (QOMS)

Get and use Triple P data for learning and continuous quality improvement.

Leadership and Implementation Teams (LIT)

Develop and maintain relationships with organizational leaders who can support community-wide implementation of Triple P

Additional Capacity

Co-Creation Partners (CCP)

Work alongside partners to implement Triple P.

Implementation Capacity for Triple P