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This protocol provides a structured approach for site visits, facilitating comprehensive discussions to evaluate local readiness.
This document serves as a tool to assess the readiness of LIAs and identify support opportunities for scaling up Triple P.
This resource provides an assessment of organizational readiness for implementing change.
Acumen's free Adaptive Leadership Team Course: Mobilizing for change and disrupting the status quo
This measure assesses the organizational climate for the implementation of innovations, as it is significantly associated with management support for implementing the innovation.
Newsletter that outlines key ways to support the use of Triple P in Child Welfare Agencies including soliciting workforce collaboration, resources and time.
This brief self-rating scale can be used to assess the current status of implementing Triple P within an agency.
Building a decision-support data system can feel like a lot of work.
This worksheet walks through how to build an implementation team by identifying team members, distributing tasks, and ensuring competencies.
Implementation Capacity for Triple P