HomeAboutICTP Compendium > APPENDIX A: Catalogue of ICTP Resources for Entering into Support Partnerships

APPENDIX A: Catalogue of ICTP Resources for Entering into Support Partnerships

This appendix serves as a catalogue of key resources provided by Implementation Capacity for Triple P (ICTP) to guide organizations entering into support partnerships. The outlined resources are designed to facilitate the collaborative effort aimed at enhancing the implementation of Triple P (Positive Parenting Program). It is imperative for support partners to familiarize themselves with these resources to align with the mission and values of Implementation Capacity. The following documents offer valuable insights, tools, and protocols for organizations engaging in support partnerships.

Resource Catalogue

2018 NC Readiness Site Visit Protocol
This protocol provides a structured approach for site visits, facilitating comprehensive discussions to evaluate local readiness.

2018 NC Request for Information: Support Opportunities for LIAs Scaling-up Triple P
This document serves as a tool to assess the readiness of LIAs and identify support opportunities for scaling up Triple P.

Readiness and Leadership Worksheet
This tool summarizes why readiness matters and the role of leadership in building readiness.

Implementation Capacity for Triple P